Visual and Performing Arts Approach

“If a child can’t learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn” Ignacio Estrada

Using the motivation of music, dance, art and drama we teach reading, writing and mathematics. Visual and Performing arts is used as  a vehicle to engage students in the learning process. We use the Arts across our core Curriculum areas.

Our core curriculum areas are:

  • English (Speaking and Listening, Writing, Reading and Viewing)
  • Mathematics
  • Social Capabilities
  • Science
  • Health, Physical Education and Wellbeing

 Individual Learning Plans

At Port Philip Specialist School we understand that all children are unique and so we will work with you and your child to create a curriculum that is tailored to your child’s individual learning needs.

An individualised learning program, known as an ILP, is designed collaboratively by parents, staff, and support personnel for each student. In these plans, each student’s needs are prioritized, goals set, and teaching strategies based on individual strengths, are developed. ILP’s are developed following Student Support Group (SSG) meetings which take place in Term1 and 3 each year.

Individual student priority goals drive the program for each student at the school.